2023 Texas Quality Seal Coat Award
Arcosa Lightweight recently received the 2023 Texas Quality Seal Coat Award. The Texas Seal Coat Awards Program was started 3 years ago as a joint effort between the Texas Asphalt Pavement Association (TXAPA) and Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT).

They are regional awards based on quality of the work, aesthetics and ride quality and judged by a panel of TXDOT and industry experts.
Arcosa Lightweight has received the top aggregate supplier every year that this honor has been awarded. The award is shared award between contractor, local TXDOT office, striping company, asphalt and rock supplier.
Accepting the awards on behalf of the Arcosa Lightweight Streetman Plant are (from L-R): Josh Yates, Streetman Plant Manager; Don Vernon, South Texas Sales Representative; Julius Maciel, Streetman QC; and Dennis Farmer, Streetman Head Dispatcher.