Moulding Plaster

Moulding Plaster
Moulding Plaster, commonly referred to as “Plaster of Paris”, is a beta-hemihydrate gypsum product manufactured from high purity natural occurring white gypsum rock. It is commonly used as a good white base material for formulating various interior oriented construction & industrial compounds, for simple 3-D statuary, architectural castings, and temporary templates where strength and hardness are not important.
Typical Physical Properties
Use Consistency – 64-70cc/100g
Set Time – 27-37 minutes
Maximum Expansion (%) – 0.30%
-100 Mesh – 98.5 – 100% passing
+50 Mesh – 0% retained
Dry Compressive Strength -2,000 psi
Plaster and water are always measured by weight. Using a plaster/water ratio outside the recommended use consistency guidelines will impact the set-time, strength and density of the finished piece.
- Sift plaster into water slowly and evenly.
- Let soak for 2 – 4 minutes. This allows the gypsum crystals to wet-out, displacing trapped air
- Mix for 2 minutes.

Support Documents
For a complete list of Safety Data Sheets, Product Documents, and other support documents, CLICK HERE
For More Information
For more information or how to purchase, please contact:
U.S. & Canada
Carl Buchanan
(864) 469-3113 (Office)
(470) 539-1615 (Cell)
Limestone Only
Kimberly Dreis
206-957-4757 (Office)
405-882-7216 (Cell)