Limestone Aggregate Products

Arcosa Specialty Materials mines limestone, dolomitic limestone, and hard rock aggregates for the construction industry.  Progressive stages of crushing and screening enable us to produce a range of aggregate sizes. Oversized stone is available where size and weight are important to address erosion control and water damage.

Made from high-quality deposits of limestone, and meeting exacting chemical and physical properties, Arcosa Specialty Materials has a broad range of crushed limestone aggregate products that provide high-performance, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly attributes for the construction industry.

Our limestone aggregate is commonly used for road building, oilfield locations, and a variety of engineering projects. We offer a number of sizes and grades including rip-rap, surge, screened rock and fines. Composed of calcium carbonate, limestone aggregate has chemical and physical properties that deliver exceptional performance and value in a broad range of applications, particularly in the construction industry.

Not all products are available at all locations. Please contact one of our sales professionals for more information.

Ag Grade Limestone 1/4″ Minus Ag fines
Ag Grade Dolomitic Limestone 1/4″ Minus Ag fines
Ag Grade Limestone 1/8″ Ag fines
Ag Grade Dolomitic Limestone 1/8″ Ag fines
#2 Milled Rock Limestone
1-1/2″ Crusher Run Limestone
1-1/4″ Crusher Run Limestone
12″ Rip Rap Limestone
2″ Clean Limestone
24″ Rip Rap Limestone
3″ Clean Limestone
3″ Crusher Run Limestone
Limestone Bulk Barge
Milled Rock Limestone
Shot Rock – Limestone
Surge Limestone

For More Information

For more information or to purchase:

Limestone Aggregate Products in Oklahoma, Texas panhandle & Kansas

Dillon Price
Aggregate Sales
(580) 227-5210

Limestone Aggregate Products in Washington

Jim Ross-Lyons
Regional Sales Representative
(405) 255-3512

Other Aggregate Products in Washington, Texas, Florida and Louisiana

Please visit Arcosa Aggregates for more information

Expanded Shale Lightweight Aggregates

Please visit Arcosa Lightweight for more information.

Arcosa Specialty Materials is the leading supplier of lightweight expanded shale, gravel, crushed rock and other aggregate products to the construction industry.