Turf, Lawn, and Garden Applications

Golf course superintendents and managers of playing fields and other parks have one major objective – turf health. In particular, golf course superintendents must deal with the complexities of fairways, tee boxes, and greens with their unique characteristics and challenges.
Although well-conditioned greens require intensive management, fairways can also be problematic where compacted clay soils can present drainage problems.
Poor drainage also complicates conditions of sodic soils, especially in the regions where many courses must irrigate with effluent water, often high in bicarbonate and sodium levels.
Gypsum is ideal solutions for such soil conditions, and improve water infiltration rates in soils by preventing swelling clays and crusting. They also enhance nutrient absorption allowing you to reduce your fertilizer costs.

Applying gypsum and limestone to promote healthy turf grass is perfect for a number of commercial applications including:
- Golf Courses
- Commercial Landscape
- Parks & Recreation Facilities
- Public Grounds
- Cemeteries
- Residential Turf
- Sod Production

Turf, Lawn, and Garden Products
Arcosa Specialty Materials offers several products used in the development and maintenance of turf grass.
Pelletized Products:
- Cal-CM Plus Calcium Sulfate
- Cal-CM Plus Limestone
- Cal-CM Plus Calcium Sulfate + Iron
Ag Fines Bulk and Other Products:
- 1/8″ minus Fairway grade
- 1/4″ minus Fairway grade
- Coarse Grind (sand consistency)
- Turf Solution Grade (fine grind) gypsum
- Lawn and Garden Limestone
Any of these products can be applied to calcium deficient soils to improve the water penetration and moisture retention of the soil. Gypsum will also remove harmful salts from the soil without increasing soil pH and can be applied without fear of “burning”.
For More Information
For more information or to purchase a product, please contact:
Oklahoma, Texas panhandle & Kansas
Chris Shetley
Sales Representative
(405) 366-9500 (Office)
(405) 222-8599 (Cell)
Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California and surrounding area
Tim Stanfield
National Sales Manager
Prilled Products for Agricultural Applications
Jim Madsen
Marketing Director
(405) 366-9587 (Office)