Upgrade Your Soil for Free

Interested in adding natural soil amendments like gypsum or limestone to your fields? If you qualify, the USDA may cover the cost of your product and application.
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is part of the USDA and helps you build on your existing conservation efforts while strengthening your operation. Whether you are looking to improve grazing conditions, increase crop yields, or develop wildlife habitat, your local NRCS can help you design a CSP plan to help you meet those goals.
Part of this assistance also includes the application of gypsum dihydrate, gypsum anyhrite (pure calcium sulfate), and limestone.

CSP participants are seeing real results. Some of these benefits include:
- Improved cattle gains per acre
- Increased crop yields
- Decreased inputs
- Wildlife population improvements
- Better resilience to weather extremes
Here is a link to the CSP Enhancement sheet specific to gypsum application – Application of Gypsum Products

Don’t Wait!
For more information about this program and how you can best take advantage of it, we encourage you to go directly to the USDA Conservation Stewardship Program website – CLICK HERE

How To Enroll
If you decide to enroll in CSP, the local NRCS conservation planner will have a one-on-one consultation with you to evaluate your current management system and the natural resources on your land.
Then the NRCS conservation planner will present a variety of CSP enhancement alternatives for you to consider implementing on your land, based on existing conservation practices.
The variety of CSP conservation activities that are offered give you a lot of freedom to select enhancements or practices that help you meet your management goals. These improvements work naturally with your land to bring out your land’s best potential.
Contact Your Local Representative
We have gathered a few of the local contacts and have them listed below:
Alan Forkey
Program Manager
Phone: 530-792-5653
Email: Alan.Forkey@ca.usda.gov
Erik Beardsley
CA CSP Program Specialist
Phone: 530-792-5649
Email: Erik.Beardsley@ca.usda.gov
Kasey Robinson
Email: kasey.robinson@ks.usda.gov
Curt McDaniel
Assistant State Conservationist for Programs
USDA NRCS State Office
Parkade Center, Suite 250
601 Business Loop, 70 West
Columbia, MO 65203
Phone: 573-876-9363
Marilyn Gann
CSP Coordinator
USDA NRCS State Office
Parkade Center, Suite 250
601 Business Loop, 70 West
Columbia, MO 65203
Phone: 573-876-9398
Andrew Bennett
Resource Conservationist
Phone: 405-742-1265
Email: Andrew Bennett
Todd Peplin
CSP Program Manager
Email: todd.peplin@or.usda.gov
Phone: 503-414-3292
For an individual list of county extension offices – Click Here
Sharon Bromiley
Area Program Liaison
USDA – Natural Resources Conservation Service
316 W. Boone Ave Suite 370
Spokane, WA 99201
For More Information
For more information or to purchase a product, please contact:
Oklahoma, Texas panhandle & Kansas
Chris Shetley
Sales Representative
(405) 366-9500 (Office)
(405) 222-8599 (Cell)
Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California and surrounding area
Tim Stanfield
National Sales Manager
Prilled Products for Agricultural Applications
Jim Madsen
Marketing Director
(405) 366-9587 (Office)